CentOS and RHEL 7: Install Linux, Apache, MariaDB, PHP (LAMP) Stack

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Sep 192014
CentOS and RHEL 7: Install Linux, Apache, MariaDB, PHP (LAMP) Stack

Iam new Red Hat Enterprise Linux version 7 user/sysadmin/developer. This version made the big number change for RHEL 7/CentOS 7. How can I install LAMP (Linux, Apache, MariaDB, PHP) stack on a RHEL version 7 or CentOS Linux version 7 using CLI or over ssh based session? Tutorial details Difficulty Easy (rss) Root privileges Yes Requirements […]

Cài đặt memcache, memcache PHP extension (Linux)

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Sep 192014

Bài viết hướng đẫn cài đặt Memcached, thư viện để php có thể kết nối tới memcached. Bước 1 Download libevent , cài đặt :#tar -xvf libevent-1.3b.tar.gz#cd libevent-1.3b#./configure#make#make install; Bước 2 Download memcache, cài đặt :#gunzip memcached-1.2.1.tar.gz#tar -xvf memcached-1.2.1.tar#cd memcached-1.2.1#./configure#make#make install; Bước 3Tạo liên kết cho memcache :#ln -s /usr/local/lib/libevent-1.3b.so.1 /lib/libevent-1.3b.so.1memcached -d -u nobody -m 512 -p 11211 […]

25 PHP Security Best Practices For Sys Admins

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Sep 192014
25 PHP Security Best Practices For Sys Admins

PHP is an open-source server-side scripting language and it is a widely used. The Apache web server provides access to files and content via the HTTP OR HTTPS protocol. A misconfigured server-side scripting language can create all sorts of problems. So, PHP should be used with caution. Here are twenty-five php security best practices for sysadmins for […]

Linux / Unix logtop: Realtime Log Line Rate Analyser

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Sep 192014
Linux / Unix logtop: Realtime Log Line Rate Analyser

How can I analyze line rate taking log file as input on a Linux system? How do I find the IP flooding my Apache/Nginx/Lighttpd web-server on a Debian or Ubuntu Linux? Tutorial details Difficulty Easy (rss) Root privileges Yes Requirements None Estimated completion time N/A You need to use a tool called logtop. It is a […]

RHEL / Centos 6: Install Nginx Using Yum Command

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Sep 192014

How can I install Nginx web server On CentOS Linux 6 or Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 using yum command? Tutorial details Difficulty Intermediate (rss) Root privileges Yes Requirements CentOS/RHELyum Estimated completion time N/A Recently, nginx web project started to distribute binary packages using nginx yum repository. You can either create /etc/yum.repos.d/nginx.repo or directly install rpm […]