Redmine là phần mềm nguồn mở hữu ích cho việc quản trị dự án. Redmine có các chức năng: Lập kế hoạch (schedule, estimated effort, assign) Nhập actual effort, tiến độ công việc Tùy biến một số các report để quản lý và theo dõi tiến độ công việc, tạo các reminder để nhắc nhở […]
How to install Zimbra Opensource Collaboration 8 on CentOS 7

1. System Requirements for Zimbra Collaboration Evaluation and Testing • Intel/AMD 64-bit CPU 1.5 GHz • RAM requirements: • For single server installations, a minimum of 8GB of RAM is required. • For multi-server installations, contact Zimbra sales for recommendations. • 5 GB free disk space for software and logs • Temp file space for […]
Manage KVM (QEMU) with Kimchi (web interface)

Kimchi is a HTML5 based web interface for KVM. It is provides easy and flexible interface to create and manage a guest virtual machines. Kimchi is installed and runs as a daemon on the KVM host. It manages KVM guests with the help of libvirt. Kimchi interface supports all latest version of the browsers with […]
How to install Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana 4 on Ubuntu 14.04 / 15.04

ELK Stack In this post, will look how to install Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana 4 on Ubuntu 14.04 / 15.04. This ELK stack help us to store and manage the logs in a centralized location. ELK stack consists of four vital components that makes a wonderful stack to analyze the problems by correlating the events […]
Install Tonido private cloud server on Ubuntu 14.04.3 / 15.04

Tonido private cloud server Tonido is a free application server that helps you to access all your files on your Linux server / machine from a web browser, smart phone, tablet, and even from DLNA enabled devices. Also, you can share them with your family, friends and colleagues. Configure public direct links so that anyone […]
Register clients with SpaceWalk Server

Spacewalk This is the third part of Spacewalk installation and configuration series. In the first two parts, we gone through how to install and configure Spacewalk server and managing Spacewalk channels and repositories. Install And Configure Spacewalk In CentOS 7 Managing Spacewalk Channels And Repositories In this tutorial, we will configure clients to take installation […]
Managing Channels and Repositories – Spacewalk on CentOS 7 / RHEL 7

Install Spacewalk This is the continuation from installing and Configuring SpaceWalk on CentOS 7. This tutorial will show you how to configure Spacewalk to distribute updates for CentOS or RHEL clients.This is a simple step by step process, so i will only mention minimal settings to be done for distributing updates. Spacewalk Channels: Channel is […]
How to install SpaceWalk on CentOS 7 / RHEL 7

Install Spacewalk Spacewalk is an open source package and system management solution for RedHat derivative distributions like CentOS, Scientific Linux and Fedora, developed by the spacewalk community. Spacewalk is the upstream project for the source of Red Hat Satellite, It is released under GPLv2 license. Spacewalk provides the web interface to manage and view the […]
Install ONLYOFFICE – Open-Source Web Based Office Suite

ONLYOFFICE is a free,multifunctional, web-based office suite that enables you to store and co-edit documents, manage projects, view email and customer relations at one place. It is developed for small and mid-size companies for an effective platform for business operations. ONLYOFFICE is current available in 21 languages, comprising viewers and editors for texts, spreadsheets and […]
Centralized Logs Management with Logtash, ElasticSearch, and Redis

Deploying a Centralized Logs Management System seems very easy these days with such these great tools:+ Logtash: collect logs, index logs, process logs, and ship logs+ Redis: receive logs from logs shippers+ ElasticSearch: store logs+ Kibana: web interface with graphs, tables…We will implement the logs management system as the following architecture: (based on this article: In this tutorial, I only deploy one […]