Find the system host name Display the system’s host name: $ hostname $ cat /etc/hostname server1 Display the system’s DNS domain name: $ dnsdomainname Display the system’s Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN): $ hostname -f Find the system serial number, manufacturer of the system and model name $ sudo dmidecode -s system-serial-number $ […]
Docker basic

What is Docker? When people talk about docker they are most likely talking about the docker engine. Docker is in fact an organization which creates tools to assist with the creation and deployment of software in a portable manor. As well as creating the docker engine they also have projects which orchestrates and manages deployed […]
AppCatalyst & Docker Lab

“VMware AppCatalyst is an API and Command Line Interface (CLI)-driven Mac hypervisor that is purpose-built for developers, with the goal of bringing the datacenter to the desktop.” This Hands-on Lab will walk you through the installation of VMware AppCatalyst and Docker Basics including Docker Machine, Docker Compose, and Docker Swarm. AppCatalyst is currently Tech Preview […]
Introduction Don’t we all know Docker by now? In short, Docker is a so called “container solution”, which you can use to create application containers. Such a container is constructed from a base image and provisioned with e.g. an application and its configuration files. Unlike VM-based solutions, where a guest operating system runs fully independent of […]
Cài đặt memcache, memcache PHP extension (Linux)

Bài viết hướng đẫn cài đặt Memcached, thư viện để php có thể kết nối tới memcached. Bước 1 Download libevent , cài đặt : #tar -xvf libevent-1.3b.tar.gz #cd libevent-1.3b #./configure #make #make install; Bước 2 Download memcache, cài đặt : #gunzip memcached-1.2.1.tar.gz #tar -xvf memcached-1.2.1.tar #cd memcached-1.2.1 #./configure #make #make install; Bước 3 […]
Tối ưu Nginx

I – Tối ưu Nginx: 1) Bố trí lại các tệp tin cấu hình: Thông thường thì các tệp tin cấu hình của Nginx sẽ được lưu trữ trong thư mục “/etc/nginx”. Một cách tổ chức lại việc lưu trữ tốt hơn theo phong cách của Apache như sau ## Tệp tin cấu hình chính […]
How to set a default gateway on CentOS
A default gateway is a remote host or router that your Linux host forwards traffic to when the destination IP address of outgoing traffic does not match any route in your local routing table. Configuring a default gateway on CentOS is quite straightforward. If you wish to change a default gateway temporarily at run time, […]
Install Redis on CentOS 6.5
Perform an update to ensure you’ve got the latest of everything in the base package. yum update Install wget so you can download a few things. yum install wget Allow yum to locate/install redis, per this page here. wget wget rpm -Uvh remi-release-6*.rpm epel-release-6*.rpm” Now, install all the prerequisites yum install tar […]
Redis – Environment
Install Redis on Ubuntu To install the Redis on Ubuntu, go to terminal and type the following commands: $sudo apt-get update $sudo apt-get install redis-server This will install redis on your machine. Start Redis $redis-server Check if redis is working? $redis-cli This will open a redis prompt, as shown below: redis> In the above […]
OPTIMIZE APACHE FOR WORDPRESS – HIGH TRAFFIC WEBSITES This article will help you to tweak your apache server and can aceept high traffic, but let’s talk about the insides and possibilities first. Optimizing apache matters the server hardware so if you checking the solution for Shared Hosting then this article won’t help you, should check my other […]